Confronting the Archetype of Domination

Rose can’t be stopped now. Dark clouds close in over the forest, causing the temperature to drop. The forecasted thunderstorm has arrived earlier than expected. Erik leaves the injured boy behind and turns to face Rose.

“You don’t scare me,” the man hisses, reaching down to grab a hefty stick of his own. “Come on, Pim. We can take her.”

But Pim is sneaking away into the forest, trying to escape.

“Fine!” Erik yells at his brother. “I’ve been in fights all my life. I don’t need you.” His eyes flash as he sizes up his opponent.

Lightning strikes the ground nearby. The deer stand alert, watching Rose, and so does the raven. Erik clenches his stick and gathers his energy for the attack. Pim finds a hiding place behind a tree and shits his pants. The boy’s body has collapsed on the forest floor. He doesn’t move. Sophia sees her opportunity and rushes to him. He is bleeding heavily in several...

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Our Interview with Hazel Henderson for Return of the Avatars

In November 2021, we interviewed two incredible future human pioneers who feature as real-life characters in Return of the Avatars, book 2 of our Future Humans Trilogy:

Excerpts of our interviews with them feature in chapter 11 of book, 2 and are included further below in this article. Hazel and Mariana walk the path of our future human potential; pioneering the ways, systems, and relationships through which a possible world that works for all becomes manifest

You can watch our interview with Hazel via the video below, as well as listen to this via The Future Humans Podcast in audio format. To watch our interview with Mariana, click here, and to listen to our podcast with her, click here.

In this conversation, Hazel decodes the...

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Our Interview with Mariana Bozesan for Return of the Avatars

In November 2021, we interviewed two incredible future human pioneers who feature as real-life characters in Return of the Avatars, book 2 of our Future Humans Trilogy:

Excerpts of these interviews feature in chapter 11 of book 2 and are included further below in this article. Mariana and Hazel walk the path of our future human potential; pioneering the ways, systems, and relationships through which a possible world that works for all becomes manifest

You can watch our interview with Mariana via the video below, as well as listen to this via The Future Humans Podcast in audio format. To watch our interview with Hazel, click here, and to listen to our podcast with her, click here.

In this conversation, Mariana speaks about the...

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The Cosmic Compass Game and the Imaginal

Rose is feeling furious. “What’s the return on investment for all the trees who have to sacrifice their lives in the name of ‘progress’ every day? Or the animals who no longer have a place to live because every acre of land is covered with concrete and high-rise buildings? I don’t want you to control what I can do with my ideas. This compass is for all of humanity!”

“You’re out of line, young woman,” the mustache man grumbles. A few other heads nod in agreement.

But Rose’s inner dragon is up in full force. She looks each of them in the eye. “Did any of you even read my proposal?” No one responds. Rose continues, “Do you realize what’s at stake here? Do you? We are ‘playing’ for the very survival of the human species in the game of life. If we lose this game, we lose our planet. We lose the chance to continue to exist! We’ve wasted so much time being too arrogant to admit that...

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Epilogue from The Quest of Rose

It is often believed that times of breakdown are needed for times of breakthrough to emerge. Through The Quest of Rose, we have offered an alternative way for our world, ourselves, and collective consciousness to evolve and grow into the greater possibilities of our future becoming. As the caterpillar reminds us, the future potentials of our latent butterfly capacities already exist within us as imaginal cells. Those cells activate and group together while the caterpillar is still alive, and before it dissolves inside its cocoon. 

As pioneers in human development, consciousness research, the quantum nature of reality, the cosmology of our universe, evolutionary sciences, and living systems architecture, we have personally witnessed and experienced how these new ways of change and transformation are not just possible, they are required. That is what is implied with evolving into the new possibilities of the higher orders of reality that are activating inside us. In other words,...

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Scientific Foundations & Essential Insights

The Future Humans Trilogy is based on radical new understandings that are emerging from the frontiers of a new paradigm in science and research. The new paradigm sciences offer a unitary conception of existence and the role of consciousness. These sciences include fields such as: quantum field theory, cosmology, new physics, complexity sciences, evolutionary systems design, neuroscience, epigenetics, and consciousness research.

All of the scientific references included in the trilogy relate to real-life people and research. We chose to share the scientific ideas in a storytelling way, knowing that some of these ideas are so complex and mind-boggling that many people will stop reading when exposed to such information directly. In other words, it requires a tasty meal, receptive ambience, and the warmth of human relationships to be able to digest these radical new perspectives of the nature of reality and our universe. Even then, as the saying goes, “Those who understand...

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Future Humans Trilogy Glossary

Archetype—A common pattern of behavior that reveals the deeper systemic structures, templates, or codes for the way things form, grow, develop, and evolve. An archetype can also be a psychic or cultural pattern that animates the behavior of a person or a collective of people. 

Avatar—From the Sanskrit word “avatāra,” which is a concept in Hinduism that refers to the incarnation of divine qualities that descend into human form. In this book we refer to “Avatar” as a quality of our Cosmic self, which acts as a Cosmic interface between the local and nonlocal realities of consciousness. 

Complexity—A nonlinear state of connectivity that emerges from the multiple levels of interdependent connections and relationships. Not to be confused with “complicatedness,” which refers to a situation or event that is not easy to understand.

Cosmos—From the Greek word “Kosmos,” which means “ordered whole” and...

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