Return of the Avatars: The Cosmic Architect Tools of Our Future Becoming is the 2023 Gold Winner of the prestigious international Nautilus Book Awards, for books that invite imaginative storytelling for evolving human capacities, visionary positive futures, and the resilience of the human spirit. Return of the Avatars is the 2nd book of the Future Humans Trilogy, and became a #1 Bestseller on Amazon shortly after its release.
The Future Humans Trilogy launched July 22, 2021 through book 1 The Quest of Rose: The Cosmic Keys of Our Future Becoming, which is a Silver Winner of the 2022 Nautilus Book Award in the category of Personal Growth and also became a #1 Amazon bestseller. Thousands of people from around the world have since been working with the keys, tools, and practices of these consciousness-shifting books.
Return of the Avatars is a spell-breaking, soul-stirring adventure as the future humans explore essential lessons about power, unity, ego, shadow, hope, courage, and love. The Future Humans quest continues as they start to reveal and confront what's behind the dominant systems and agendas of our world. Although recommended, it is not necessary to have read the first book. You can also start with book 2.
“This book is prophetic.” ~ Deepak Chopra, M.D
The future humans of this trilogy are presented with fictional first names. They are archetypal characters we can all relate to. During their quest, they meet real-life people who are non-fictional, woven together with key issues of this time. We chose this unique hybrid genre of allegory to express how this journey of the future humans belongs to all of us.
We're on the verge of a major tipping point. The games of domination and deception have to end, before it ends us. But to do so we must face the shadow within and unite our powers to upgrade how we play the game of life. The call of our planet is loud and clear, yet many are still under the hypnotic influence of the giants of domination and their weapons of disunity.
Discover how we can co-create a thriving world that works for all. Return of the Avatars invites you to rise to the challenges of this time, and not be squashed by them. Together we are weaving a new and unstoppable pattern of change and transformation.
Return of the Avatars offers seven Cosmic Architect Tools and ten transformative practices for developing your future human powers, together with an integration section at the end of each chapter for application.
You can now also play the powers, archetypes, and characters of the Future Humans through the Elowyn: Quest of Time game, where you confront the archetype of domination in the form of Moloch and its Shadow Arcs.
If you'd like to deepen your own development with the Cosmic Architect Tools, we highly recommend the online Future Humans Quest course.
With love
Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston
* * *
Return of the Avatars is available on Amazon and many other platforms as PAPERBACK, EBOOK and AUDIOBOOK
This audiobook is beautifully narrated by Ariane Barnes, who is a British-Mauritian award-winning performer and narrator, renowned for her unique talent in the narration of many different accents and emotional tones. Enjoy this multi-cultural audio experience, with musically supported practices for exploring your future human potential.
The audiobook includes a supplemental PDF with sections from Return of the Avatars that are not narrated, Including illustrations, a summary of key insights of the nature of reality, acknowledgments, and biographies. You can download this supplemental PDF via the button here below. Enjoy a short sample here below where Verdandi teaches Rose how to work with the elemental forces of creation, preservation and destruction.

Return of the Avatars Gift
Register here to receive an inspirational video practice from chapter 5 of Return of the Avatars, narrated by Anneloes Smitsman.
Future Humans is hosted by EARTHwise Centre in partnership with the Renaissance Project. We respect your privacy and do not send spam. You can unsubscribe at any time.
Praise for Return of the Avatars

Lynne McTaggart
Author, The Power of Eight
“In the second installment of this ingenious trilogy, an allegory with all the revelations of a New Age Game of Thrones, heroine Rose uncovers many timeless truths in her quest to learn the mysteries of higher human potential. A mix of frontier science and ancient wisdom, Return of the Avatars also offers a practical set of tools for its readers to ‘upgrade’ into an evolved realm of being—which is more necessary than ever during these tumultuous times. Follow Rose into the heart of transformation and discover for yourself how to ‘play better’ at the game of life.”

Deepak Chopra, M.D.
Author, Total Meditation
“As we awaken to our true reality, dormant supernatural powers and potential will become the norm. This book is prophetic.”

Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D.
Founder, DreamTending & Pacifica Graduate Institute
“In the world of today something more and different than mere willpower and the familiar is being asked of each of us. Cast in breathtaking storytelling, Return of the Avatars offers teachings, practices, and tools that open and awaken the wisdom of your higher heart. The journey continues as you follow Rose and her young nephew Olaf through the cultural trance to the hidden place of the Cosmic reset button. This book is a thrilling ride, a deeply meaningful and generative read.”

Jude Currivan, Ph.D.
Cosmologist, Author, The Story of GAIA
“This extraordinarily powerful sequel to the Future Humans Trilogy continues to share profound insights and way-showers for our cosmic destiny. Beyond reading, this is a book to be experienced and essentially embodied. Compassionately facing the shadow and trauma of our evolutionary journey thus far, the authors offer wise and practical tools for their and so our re-soulution. Empowering us at the inner depths of our being, they inspirationally support our hearing and aligning with the emergent impulse of the entire Universe and our planetary home Gaia; to arise to become their co-evolutionary partners and actualize our future human potential.”

Mariana Bozesan, Ph.D.
Author, Integral Investing, Full member Club of Rome
“Few authors have the courage and skill to discuss the impossibilities of the human factor from the perspective of consciousness evolution, and to give hope at a time of crisis. Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston have that courage because they know that as we evolve, we can make the impossible of the previous stage of evolution possible in the next stage by using the exponentially growing complexity of consciousness evolution to our advantage. This genre-defying book captures this new potentiality and paints a picture of a powerful future with stunning insights and beautiful imagination.”

Hazel Henderson
Author, The Politics of the Solar Age, Futurist & Evolutionary Economist
“This much-anticipated Book 2, Return of the Avatars, of the Future Humans Trilogy does not disappoint! The deep wisdom of scientist co-authors Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston illuminates and continues the engaging story of Book 1, The Quest of Rose, following this young woman’s exploration of her latent evolutionary potentials. As Rose deepens her self-knowledge and widens her planetary, solar system, and cosmological awareness, we follow her on this evolutionary path available to humans. Rose creates an evolutionary Cosmic Compass game with new roles for our Avatars, far beyond earlier models. These returning Avatars link humans’ full range of experiences and potentiate our past, present, and future possibilities. They foster our long-held visions of our oneness, and with all other species and life, on a peaceful, abundant planet, powered by the daily free photons from our mother star, the Sun. I loved this book and eagerly await the additional spiritual nourishment of Book 3 of this powerful trilogy."

Julie Krull, Ph.D.
Author, Fractured Grace, Founder & President of GOOD of the Whole
“I am celebrating this evolutionary masterpiece! Return of the Avatars, book two in the Future Humans Trilogy, exudes creative genius, visionary insight, and archetypal pathways to navigate these liminal, evolutionary times of whole-systems transformation. The relatable, relevant, and real-time storytelling is brilliant. Grounded in new science and ancient spiritual wisdom, it leaves the reader with a peculiar sense of comfort and hope. The adventure and intrigue catalyze our innate capacities and quicken our gestating evolutionary potentials. From the Cosmic Compass to the Cosmic Mirror, we are invited into layers upon layers of teachings and tools that will induce higher states of consciousness, access the imaginal realm, and activate new codes and patterns. Bravo, Drs. Jean Houston and Anneloes Smitsman! Return of the Avatars is a magnificent, inspiring guide to consciously evolve ourselves and our world. With the turning of each page, we become equipped cosmic architects of the future human we know is possible.”

Rama Mani, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Home for Humanity
“Return of the Avatars catapults us at quantum pace into a mytho-poetic journey of exploration and expansion of our fathomless inner capacities and of unfathomed cosmic realities. I found myself torn between devouring the pages at high speed in breathless fascination, and lingering to savor each word of this portable masterpiece. I have no doubt that this book will remain ensconced at my bedside table for years to come, so I can plunge into it over and over again to contemplate, apply, and integrate the incandescent wisdom and scintillating scientific innovations woven seamlessly into every chapter. Building on the wonder of The Quest of Rose, this book offers us an illuminating adventure into our possible future, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to questers of all ages.”

Alexander Schieffer, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Home for Humanity
“DELICIOUS! Exactly the evolutionary food we now need, cooked to the finest! Return of the Avatars provides a profound initiation journey, magnificently crafted for this moment of planetary awakening—deep and accessible, scientific and playful, grounded and imaginative, courageous and irresistible. A Jump-Time book, oozing with the “lure of becoming” that can propel us into the era of the Future Human. A transformative—and beautifully transgenerational—guide to the New Story that we cannot afford to miss.”

Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
Author, Intimate Conversations with the Divine
“Return of the Avatars is like a guidebook to imagining our fullest potential—except that the genius of these authors is their ability to inspire you to want to reach that potential. In this era of transformation and chaotic change, sometimes our most essential guidance comes through fiction. This book is a wondrous experience.”

Jim Garrison, Ph.D.
Founder & President Ubiquity University
“Return of the Avatars is where the Future Humans Trilogy creates traction toward transformation. It offers practical steps all of us can take that empower our capacity to navigate an increasingly dark world and thrive. The Cosmic Architect Practices and transformational tools are the yellow brick road to the future we all seek for our children unto the seventh generation.”

Anne Baring, Ph.D.
Author, The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul
“A book written from the cosmic heart—deeply engaging our own heart, as well as our mind. It informs, enlightens and transforms with a light touch, and more than a touch of magic, to delight us as we journey through it, discovering treasures of insight as we go.”

Tomas Björkman
Author, The World We Create, Founder of Ekskäret Foundation
“Return of the Avatars is a profound guidebook for exploring the deep societal transition that humanity is right now entering into. It helps us to experience and re-member who we are from our eternal bonds of life, as children of the evolutionary process and ancestors of the future. Nordic myths and indigenous wisdom are masterfully woven together with the latest scientific discoveries about the nature of consciousness and the systemic architecture of life. Return of the Avatars also gives you tools to decode and transform the harmful systems of dominance, beginning with ourselves, and change the ways we relate, and the why and how we play the game of life on planet Earth.”

Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Author, The Biology of Belief & The Honeymoon Effect, stem cell Biologist, Pioneer in Epigenetic Science
“Science acknowledges that human behavior has undermined the web of life and that today’s global chaos is a symptom of our own imminent extinction. A primary principle of both quantum physics and the new science of epigenetics is that consciousness creates our life experiences. Consequently, civilization’s survival is predicated upon a radical change in our collective consciousness. Unfortunately, the innate conscious creative potential for most of the population has been disempowered before age 7 by limiting, and self-sabotaging developmental programs. To survive through evolutionary chaos, we must first recover our creative powers. In Return of the Avatars, book 2 of the Future Humans Trilogy, distinguished visionaries Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston offer vital tools for accessing, activating, and empowering innate creative consciousness. Return of the Avatars is a profoundly important science-based guide for future humans to become Cosmic architects of a sustainable and thrivable world. Thankfully, Smitsman and Houston have transformed what would be a heady topic into an informative and entertaining parable, spiritual lessons as edutainment. I highly recommend this readable book as a valuable and empowering contribution in nurturing our evolving civilization.”

Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D.
Author, Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Author, The Upshift: Thriving on Planet Earth
“We need to gather all our forces to meet the challenges that now face us, and will face us in the next future. These forces include that of imagination—in fiction as well as in the interpretation of non-fiction. The authors of this book provide essential tools and ideas to help us gather these forces. Their book is one to savor and to treasure, both for the reading pleasure it offers and for the essential tools it places at the disposal of our rational intellect, as well as of our inherent, and today largely neglected, power of imagination.”

Chief Phil Lane Jr.
Ihanktonwan & Chickasaw Nations, Union of the Condor, Quetzal & Eagle, Founder of Four Worlds International Institute
“The Future Humans Trilogy is based on the fundamental understanding that at the core and foundation of all cultures of our human family are universal archetypes guiding the dynamic unfolding of our evolutionary development. While our cultural garments may appear different, at the heart of hearts exists the fundamental spiritual reality and understanding of the prior Unity and Oneness of our human family and all Life. From this spiritual realization, it becomes crystal clear that the Hurt of One is the Hurt of All and the Healing and Restoration of One is the Healing and Restoration of One of All. Return of the Avatars, book 2 of the trilogy, prepares us for our spiritual adulthood by helping us remember how despite our culturally diverse pathways—individually and collectively, and from infancy to the dynamic awakening of our spiritual adulthood—Life moves us to Oneness and Unitary Consciousness. Return of the Avatars empowers us to walk the mystical path with practical feet, as the seeker is drawn deeper and deeper into the understanding of our collective consciousness, as well as how to address our collective shadow. With a spiritual hunger for the conclusion of what is yet to unfold in book 3, this is a trilogy not to be missed. Inviting us to experience and understand what it means that each of us is a Sovereignty, Ancient, Imperishable, and Everlasting.”

Diane Williams
Founder of the Source of Synergy Foundation
“Be ready for an upgrade! Return of the Avatars is much more than a book, it’s a sacred initiation that takes us by the hand and leads us through a portal into the world of the Avatars where we can fully access and activate the multidimensional nature of our Cosmic selves and call into being a heart-based future powered by love. This book is a gift to be shared with anyone who deeply loves our Earth and all of the precious beings that call it home.”

Carolyn Rivers
Founder and Director of The Sophia Institute
“In their brilliant partnership Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Anneloes Smitsman bridge the evolving frontier of science with the new understandings from the Awakening and New Spirituality movements as well as the wisdom traditions, and so much more. It’s a holy union between them, in their co-authorship of the Future Humans Trilogy, one destined to help those on the journey of actualizing their own self-hood and participating in the advancement of a consciousness of wholeness, so needed now to address the changes we are facing and find transformative breakthrough solutions for a renaissance in new, sustainable ways of living and being on the Earth.”

Dagmar Wolff, Ph.D., M.D.
Pianist, Educator, Medical Doctor, Founding member Future Humans Course Community
“Since the launch of the Future Human Trilogy, hundreds of people have been gathering from around the world to work with the powerful content, keys, tools, and practices this series offers. This has strengthened our trust in a new kind of humanity as we learn how to support each other in becoming the required people for this time, and have been developing our imaginal capacities. Our senses have opened towards becoming the great Unity, as Seekers of the yet Unknown. Return of the Avatars, the second book in the trilogy, trains us further by giving us seven Cosmic Architect Tools for developing our future human powers. We now join Rose, Sophia, Li, and Olaf, wisely guided by the magus Verdandi, to discover how to confront the sleeping giants and puppet masters of our social, economic, and political divisions and stop the reckless exploitations of our planet. Return of the Avatars shows us how to counteract these developments, starting within oneself, by becoming receptive of capacities we did not even fathom to exist. It follows the great spiritual teachings of the Gnostic and indigenous traditions, and deepens our insights from the New Paradigm Research, Systems Change Research, and Quantum Sciences.
This book gives hope that humanity will indeed be able to turn around, and become aware and capable of bringing on a brighter future. Using this knowledge in day-to-day contexts enhances the capabilities of consciously responding to daily challenges, in interactions with our family and community, in treatment situations, in artistic expressions, and so much more. Getting in touch with our fuller potential is the greatest gift. In a time of painful separations and social rifts, learning about our fundamental unity is essential for healing ourselves, society, and the planet. This book endows you with the essential tools and abilities for becoming conscious of yourself and the nature of the Universe, returning you to our Original Home.”
"Return of the Avatars is an essential guidebook for a world in the midst of radical transformation. As you’ll join the future humans on their quest, you’ll find yourself thinking, feeling, acting, and creating in ways you may never have thought possible. Read this book carefully, get immersed in the powerful stories, and bring its wisdom into your life by doing the practices and applying the Cosmic Architect Tools. Enjoy the rising new intelligence it activates in your mind and soul. This spell-breaking adventure will stirr awake the deep realization that you are more, far more, than you ever thought to be. You are a future human of the emerging new era; a miracle maker in becoming.”
~ Marci Shimoff, #1 NY Times bestselling author, Happy for No Reason, featured teacher in The Secret
"Return of the Avatars is a well of wisdom, integrating the insights of the new paradigm sciences with the wisdom of ancient mystics. Dr. Anneloes Smitsman and Dr. Jean Houston are astounding evolutionary leaders. Their brilliant storytelling gives an unpolished account of the need for change, with visions, hopes, and practical guidance for awakening, evolving, and upgrading how we live our lives on planet Earth. The reader is assisted in becoming the required one to co-create together a thriving and sustainable world that works for all beings. Return of the Avatars speaks on many levels and can profoundly transform your life by catalyzing you into becoming a future human. As soon as I moved into a mode of wonder, openness, deep listening, and receptivity, I experienced how this book responded by gently and lovingly guiding me through each chapter. Then the wisdom started to sink in, fertilize, and vibrate through my bones and tissues, moving me toward increasingly higher levels of alignment, coherence, and wholeness. As the authors remind us, "A subtle difference in focus makes all the difference." This book invites you to enter into a deep love for the unknown and let the transformative power of the words move you way beyond your mind—into the depths of your heart, where every inner journey begins.”
~ Dr. Hege Forbech Vinje, Ph.D., Founder of The Forbech Vinje Academy
"We as humanity are going through an unprecedented transformation—now, at this moment, and in the years to come. Not only are we waking up, but it's happening at a tremendous speed right now. Understanding a larger story in which we are a part, and above all, an understanding of that larger story that goes far beyond the visible world around us. It is the world within us that this book by Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston offers us. Who are we, and who are we really? To make the outer world and the inner world coincide, a deep healing is needed. Do we have to leave old, entrenched ideas about ourselves behind us? Is there an alignment needed from our past via the present to another future? This book gives us all the keys to that huge adventure. The adventure of meeting our capacity and full self, and with it, the other, because only in the other do we see ourselves, and that we are not alone in the deepest sense, serving together the three Mothers—Mother Cosmos, Mother Universe, and Mother Earth.”
~ Ron van Es, Founder of School for Purpose Leadership
“Return of the Avatars is an enormous gift for consciously evolving our human capacities, by giving us the tools needed to go deeper within ourselves and find the path forward. It has felt like a deep homecoming to myself, stirring awake a profound innate knowing from a deep slumber. By working with this guidebook and the powerful tools and practices it offers, I feel more settled in myself now, and enhanced in my ability to navigate the challenges of this time. Return of the Avatars enables us to actively participate in and catalyze the needed transformation on Earth, so we may be able to thrive together and move forward on the path!”
~ Kristie Googin, Future Humans Course Community
“The Future Humans Trilogy by Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D, and Jean Houston, Ph.D, provides a brilliantly creative and hope-filled framework for understanding and responding to our difficult times. The trilogy chronicles the life of a young woman who nearly dies from COVID-19. This near-death experience inspires a heroine’s journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. The book trilogy leads the reader through a kaleidoscope of ideas—which includes emergent science, ancient mystical wisdom, and transpersonal psychology—that not only provokes, but also inspires the modern imagination. In this work, one encounters a complex yet coherent picture of a universe that is fully alive, always evolving, and exploding with potentiality. In this universe, the human being has access to an imaginal realm bursting with powerful life-transforming and world-creating capabilities; it is our choice to mindfully partner with the whole of creation. The Future Humans Trilogy is an encouraging myth and practice for our time.”
~ Dr. José M. Román, Vice-President Research Administration, Rutgers University
“You can enjoy Return of the Avatars as a lively adventure story, or you can amplify your experience by following the creative exercises and visualizations to access the Cosmic Architect Tools that will bring out the Future Human inside of you. This novel is a juicy, entertaining manual for transformation—of ourselves and our world. May the Future Humans Trilogy illumine minds and warm hearts across an awakening humanity!”
~ Rev. Deborah Moldow, Founder, Garden of Light, Director of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation
"Return of The Avatars has been another book of initiation into science and sacred practices interwoven in the engaging story of Rose and her partners in awakening. This book holds the energy to alchemically rewire ancient conditioned parts of the reader's mind into their true potential. To help awaken the reader into conscious creation in and of our new world, inside and out. Once again, Anneloes Smitsman and Jean Houston have shown their extraordinary ability to translate spirituo-scientific, metaphysical concepts into understandable, actionable steps to the evolution of the individual and the world! At our current state of transition on the planet, Return of the Avatars is a must read handbook, an architectural blueprint for every human wishing to embody and usher in our bright new future cosmic destiny, now. In gratitude and awe, I look forward to the next one!"
~ Shani Lehrer, Founder of Sound Sanctum, Kabbalist, Healer

Dr. Jean Houston
Jean Houston, Ph.D., is a legend in her own time as a world renowned scholar, futurist, award-winning author, and researcher in human capacities, social change, and systemic transformation. She is one of the principal founders of the Human Potential Movement and one of the foremost visionary thinkers and doers of our time. She is also a founder of the field of Social Artistry, “Human development in the light of social change.”
She has been a key player in the empowerment of women around the world, and was awarded the Synergy Superstar Award 2020 by the Source of Synergy Foundation for her exemplary work inspiring us to source our highest human capacities, and the Visioneers Heroine Award in May 2022. A powerful and dynamic speaker, and renowned for her gifts as a mythic storyteller, Dr Houston holds conferences, seminars, and mentoring programs with leaders and change agents worldwide. She has worked intensively in over 40 cultures, lectured in over 100 countries, and worked with major organizations such as UNICEF, UNDP, and NASA, as well as helping global state leaders, leading educational institutions, business organizations, and millions of people to enhance and deepen their own uniqueness. She is the co-author with Dr. Anneloes Smitsman of the Future Humans Trilogy, which include The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Winner of the 2022 Silver Nautilus Book Award. As well as Return of the Avatars, Winner of the 2023 Gold Nautilus Award and a #1 Amazon Bestseller. She is also the co-host with Anneloes of the Future Humans Podcast. Dr. Houston has authored over 36 published books and a great many unpublished books, plays, and manuscripts.
She is Chancellor of Meridian University and has served on the faculties of Columbia University, Hunter College, Marymount College, The New School for Social Research, and the University of California. Dr Houston was also President of the American Association of Humanistic Psychology, and is the former Chair of the United Palace of Spiritual Arts in New York City. She is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation.
Dr. Anneloes Smitsman
Anneloes Smitsman, Ph.D., LLM, is a futurist, systems scientist, keynote speaker, and award-winning pioneer and bestselling author in human development and systems change. She is the Founder and CEO of EARTHwise Centre, and the initiator and architect of the EARTHwise Constitution and the Elowyn: Quest of Time Game. Her programs and strategies are sought after around the world for net-positive design for civilizational transformation. She was awarded the Visioneers Lifetime Achievement in May 2022, and was crowned overall African winner in the category "Human Development" of the 2022 Africa’s Most Respected CEOs Awards.
Anneloes holds a Master’s degree in Law and Judicial Political Sciences from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and received a degree of Doctor from the Maastricht Sustainability Institute at the School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Her Ph.D. dissertation Into the Heart of Systems Change, is being implemented worldwide for systemic transformation in economics, education, politics, and governance.
Anneloes is the co-author with Dr. Jean Houston of the Future Humans Trilogy, which include The Quest of Rose, a #1 Amazon Bestseller and Winner of the 2022 Silver Nautilus Book Award. As well as Return of the Avatars, Winner of the 2023 Gold Nautilus Award and a #1 Amazon Bestseller. She is also the co-host with Jean of the Future Humans Podcast. She is the co-editor and co-author with Dr. Alexander Laszlo of The New Paradigm in Politics, and she is the author of Love Letters from Mother Earth, and the narrated version Messages from Mother Earth with soundtracks by Alan Howarth (launching soon), as well as numerous other publications. Anneloes is a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle of the Source of Synergy Foundation.